Patient E-Card
The Horacio Oduber Hospital has pre-designed a few digital E-cards for you to send to a loved one admitted in our hospital.
How does it work?
- Choose and click on the design of your liking.
- Fill in all required fields.
- When you’re ready click on “Send E-card”.
- We will print and deliver the card as soon as possible to your loved one.
If you don’t know on which ward or room the patient is staying please contact the Information Desk via (00297) 527 4999.
An E-card send before 1pm is printed on that same day and delivered. This service is available from Monday through Friday .
Please take into consideration that you will not receive a notification if for any reason an E-card is not delivered (maybe because the patient already left the Hospital).
If you have any questions about the digital E-card you can always contact the Department of Communication by sending an email to