Our Cas di Dokter is where our team of General Practitioners attend their patients. Our team provides optimal services and care to patients and their loved ones as a whole making sure to safeguard their rights and privacy.
Currently we have two locations, the Cas di Dokter Eagle across the Hospital and Cas di Dokter Piedra Plat, located more in the middle of the island.
Cas di Dokter Eagle
Our team at Cas di Dokter Eagle consists of the following healthcare professionals:
- Dr. Weenk, M.
- Dr. Oudshoorn, F.
- Dr. Zuijderhoudt, C.
The team also have a substitute colleague available on regular basis to complement the team.
Opening hours Cas di Dokter Eagle
8:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Consultation is by appointment only and is from
8:00 am - 11:30 am and 1:00 pm - 15:30 pm
For a same day appointment please call us.
Telephone number: (+297) 527 4940
Available from 8:00 am - 11:00 am and 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
For appointments, repeat prescription and extension of referral letter.
Fax: (+297) 588 7710
WhatsApp number: (+297 ) 597 4858 (do NOT call)
ONLY for repeat prescriptions and available during opening hours.
Emergency phone: (+297) 597 4857 availabe during opening hours.
In case of an emergency between 7am-8am or 5pm-6pm please contact your physician directly through the number provided.
E-mail address: hoed@hoharuba.com
ONLY for repeat prescriptions or to forward feedback report.
No e-mail consultations
NOTE: No doctor’s letter for employer/school available. Please refer to the collective decision made in year 2012.
Cas di Dokter Piedra Plat

Our team at Cas di Dokter Piedra Plat consists of the following healthcare professionals:
- Dr. van den Ham, M.
The team also have a substitute colleague available on regular basis to complement the team.
Opening hours Cas di Dokter Piedra Plat
8:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Consultation is by appointment only and is from
8:00 am - 11:30 am and 1:00 pm - 15:30 pm
For a same day appointment please call us.
Telephone number: (+297) 527 4475
WhatsApp number: (+297 ) 597 4916 (Text ONLY)
ONLY for repeat prescriptions and available during opening hours.
Emergency phone: (+297) 597 4917 availabe during opening hours.
In case of an emergency between 7am-8am or 5pm-6pm please contact your physician directly through the number provided.
E-mail address: hoedpiedraplat@hoharuba.com
ONLY for repeat prescriptions or to forward feedback report.
No e-mail consultations
To register or change your general practitioner:
Please refer to the AZV insurance policy. Changing of doctor is available during the months of March and September and procedure to change doctor is as follows:
- Please first approach your preferred general practitioner.
- If your preferred general practitioner approved, please fill in and sign the ‘request for change form’ available on the AZV website. Your preferred general practitioner should also sign and stamp this form.
- The assistant will send the request to AZV.
- AZV will process the form.
- You will receive the information on your AZV App. Make sure you have downloaded the AZV Application and are signed in.
For more information please consult the AZV website: www.azv.aw
More information on our complaint procedure and to send in a complaint, please click here.
Your rights and duties
For information about your rights and duties, please click here.